V-One R4 - #6/11


V-One R 4  - #6/11


Note from Kikuchi

Front & Rear bulkheads and suspension arms.


Contrary to most cars using aluminium, the front and rear bulkheads have been completely redeveloped in plastic. Aside from adding extra cost, aluminum bulkheads gradually add structural stress and can result in an element of insecurity for the user. Therefore plastic was judged to produce the best results.
The new design of the rear bulkhead separates the supporting structures of the diff and the main shaft to control rigidity and deliver smoother function. Only the suspension block is aluminum and allows the position of the suspension pin to be adjusted by changing bushings. Also, by inserting a spacer into the suspension block, the suspension pin can be lifted 1mm. The front diff design allows for fast and easy removal.
Also, redesign of the middle shaft mount allows easy replacement of the front belt. New suspension arms allow the wheelbase to be adjusted by 2mm. The height of the front upper arm mountings can also be adjusted through replacement of bushings.
source Kyosho
